How do I choose the right pump?
The pump keeps the pool water moving so that the total volume of pool water is renewed at least three times a day. However, it is important that the pump is not too powerful for the filter; such a situation would reduce theoverall filtration quality, as the water would pass too quickly through the filtering media.
Variable Speed Pumps
What are the advantages of variable speed pumps for pool?
Why choose a variable-speed pump?
- More flexible: a range of speeds to adapt to all functional requirements of your pool (rapid backwashing, slow-speed filtration, etc.)
- Reduction in electricity use: operation at reduced speed with permanent magnet motors. This combination can help save up to 85%* in electricity!
- Even quiter: due to its slow speed of operation.
- Perfect filtration quality and fewer chemicals: thanks to the slow filtration speed, the water quality is improved and the requirement for chemicals is reduced.
- A pump that pays for itself in 3 seasons!
*Low-speed operation. Generally, potential savings of 65% are observed.

TriStar® NG VSTD Pump
Excellence and performance

Max Flo® XL VSTD NG Pump
Excellent value for money

TriStar® VSTD Pump
Excellence and performance
Single Speed Pumps
Robust - Reliable

HCP 3600 Series Pump
High performance TEFC

TriStar® Pump
Unrivalled Hydraulic Performance

E-Flo Pump
Easy and simple, high performance
Frequently asked questions: Pumps
See all questions-
In the last few days, I have seen bubbles in my pump prefilter: why and what should I do?
I need to change my pump, is it a good idea to get a more powerful one ?
My pump no longer starts up and makes an electric groaning noise, what should I do ?
I have noticed a water leak under my pump, what should I do?
Which pool pump should I choose?